Sunday 4 September 2022

When getting the words down plays second fiddle.

 Morning (or whenever) all.

If you're out there of course. 

Now I know it could well be a bit early for fizz in your neck of the woods, so here's coffee instead. 

You might be wondering why I'm celebrating after I've only written a measly 4k this week. It was 6 but 2 went into the bin. I lost the plot with my WIP. In every way possible.

The Reason? I've just enjoyed a great family week.

There was a lot of catching up both via face time and face to face. 

I did make notes for my next book in the Romansa Castle series as I waited for an appointment, did a few bullet points to remind me of things to check, and reread where I'd got to. However words down to stay were meagre and I need to get on with it.

I'm writing the book that follows The Fix Up, but they can be read 'anywhichway' as my mum would have said. Tentatively titled The Catch Up, and out in the spring. (If I get a move on)

However this week, I admitted defeat when it came to an early morning coffee with family, walks by the sea and a wander around the nearest market town or sitting at my desk, there was no contest.

And I feel better for it. Raring to write. Know exactly where the story is going and how.

So time to crack on with the next 50K 

I've got my coffee. The fizz can wait until those 50k are down and I'm happy with them.

Until next time

Happy Reading,

love, Raven xx

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