Sunday 31 March 2024

Around the world in 80 loos

 A bit of an exaggeration but hey ho. 

I was queueing for the loo in a well know department store recently, and as I patiently waited for my turn, legs not quite crossed, I began to ponder.

Just how many different loos, and types of water closets (posh eh?) had I used over my years? 

(Source, pinterest)

Then darn it, where are the pictures of some of the more unusual ones?

(this pic is one my lovely husband too)

The rest are in the loft, so sorry, very few pictures in this blog.

But the memories!

(lovely and posh this one. Not one I've used alas, but thanks to pinterest) 

From the long drops in Australia and holes in the ground, filled with rubbish at the top—and bottom—of the Great Wall of China, to the do I squat lean or hop ones in various places to the ultra swish get your bottom washed and dried ones in Japan, There's been a lot of loos.

(source, also pinterest)

So many different ones.

I remember as a child going to the house of one of my mum's friends mum in a tiny village. The toilet was in an outhouse. That was fine so were my grandparents. But this one was different. How did you flush it?

I went back inside and whispered to mum. She took me back out and showed me a bucket full of earth, and handed me a small shovel. That was my first experience of an earth closet loo. 

Then the similar one in Arrass where my penfriends gran lived. That was outside as well, but had several tiny holes in the walls.

"Bullet holes from the war," I was told. "We've left them there for the history!"

Then there's sometimes the problem of do you pull a chain nad hope it doesn't break or overfill the cistern?  Push or twist a handle? Stand up fast as the loo flushes automatically? Wave your hand in front of a button?

(and again, source pinterest)

Panic because there doesn't seem to be any way to flush? 

All to spend a penny (or a fiver these days?)

Take the toilet on the landing of a house we were to rent. A long wooden board with three different sizes of holes in it. One to fit any sized bottom! Luckily it wasn't the only loo in the house, but as it has been one of the first water closets in the area, it had been kept for posterity. I hasten to add we are advised not to use it.

There are a couple at a ferry port in Hong Kong where you join a queue and cross your fingers it's not the squatting loo that's available when it's your turn. Because of course that would be when you're in leggings or tight jeans! 

And don't forget to remember the customs of the country you're in. It's oh so true that there as many types of loos as countries.

When I was a child one of my friends went to Calais on a day trip. She sent me a post card...

"They all go to the toilet in the same place here, men and women!!!!!!!"

And in the ladies loo in a UK airport, hearing a little girl say very proudly, "Mummy, I remembered not to flush the paper but put it in the bin!

And the reply. "Very good darling, but we're back in England now."

(Source Pinterest)

Writing this, I also realised how many languages I know how to ask for the toilet in! Quite a few.

That's a handy phrase to know.

Happy reading,

love Raven xxx

Sunday 24 March 2024

Memories are for...

 Well this week it appears memories are for getting plot ideas. And do I welcome them.

It's been no secret that I've floundered lately with my writing. Everything reads to me as a bit mundane.  Boring even. 

I hate feeling like that. Writing is part of me. I hate not feeling I can or want to write.

The other day, WIP open but ignored, I was looking through some of my 'memory' photos on a certain social network site and some of the memories that popped up gave me ideas.

Not I hasten to add, or write about my life per se, but of using some of the memories I saw and remembered.

And so I made notes. Now, I'm playing with some ideas. Who knows if they will come to anything? I don't but as they have got me writing again, I'm happy.

Hope you all are,

love, Raven xxx

Ps All photos taken by me on my travels.

Sunday 17 March 2024

Should I stay or should I go now?

 I can't help singing those words, although I'm not in a singing mood. more of a hmm, should I stay with this WIP or go now and accept it's never going to get finished?

It's a dilemma. One I hate facing but at the moment I think it's needs must as the saying goes.

It's annoying. I've got the first 35k done. 

I've got the last 5k done.

But it's the bit in the middle that's defeating me and it is incredibly frustrating.

I've been messing with the story for months. It started off well, and I was racing along—well as fast as my three finger typing can let me race. 25k was written in a few weeks. Then life got in the way and I had to keep rereading what I'd written.

But still so far so good. Another 5 or so thousand words came in dribs and drabs.

Then, in a change to the way I usually write I sorted theending out. I knew it, knew what I wanted to say and also knew I needed to get it down so I didn't forget any of it .

Which was all well and good except for one thing. 

The enormous void.

The knot that connects the two threads.

I can't find how to make that knot. 

At the moment I have three options. Or I think I do.

One, accept it's not going to get the ends tied together. Leave it and write something else. (bBut I hate giving up and admitting defeat.)

Two, just keep plodding on and deleting as need be. (But plodding is boring and I don't want that)

Three, shorten it. Do a wee bow not a big knot. (But then I'd feel I was short changing everyone.)

So now I'm adding a fourth option.

Drink coffee, eat chocolate and read a book by someone else. Yes it is procrastinating, and putting off te decision. But as I've been faffing about with the thing for so long, a few days more isn't going to make much difference.

wish me luck.

Happy Reading,

love Raven xxx

(photos etc source Pinterest)

Sunday 10 March 2024

When you think I wish I was like *****

 I've been writing this last week, and as the WIP progresses, I'm discovering things about my heroine I hadn't realised. (Yes, okay because I hadn't delved that far into how I intended to 'shape' her) I also rather like her and her attitude which is a relief because I want her to feisty but nice with it.

To be the sort of person everyone likes and respects.

(Source: Pinterest)

If only we could all be like that.

I know we're all different, with our own individuality, but when I read something, or see something where a person is being at the least unpleasant and at the worst very bad or dangerous it does make me wonder. Why? What's the point?

Of course there must be a point and often it's easy to see it, but equally sometimes you can't fathom out that why.

And sometimes you never ever find out.

I was thinking about that as I reread some of my WIP and realised there was someone in it, who holds the clue to a lot of the things that happen in this book. And that person isn't nice at all.

Now I need to discover why they are as they are.

It's going to be a fun week.

Happy sleuthing,

love Raven xxx

(ps It's raining so I intend to hole myself up in my study, with coffee and write. wish me luck)

Sunday 3 March 2024

Not so much 'gizza job' as 'gizza break'...

 Years ago on British TV, there was a programme called Boys From the Black Stuff, and one of the characters 'phrase' was 'gizza job'.

Give me a job.

Well this week I feel like saying,

'gizza break.'

Just a wee one. Let me catch breath and smell the coffee. And reading something that makes sense would be good,

(Please, not one I'm trying to write. Not this week.)

If that makes me sound pathetic, well I've felt a right whingebag, moaning old sod these last few days. 

Old being the operative word in fact. Now yes, I know in some people's eyes I'm a geriatric. Probably a cantankerous one at that. Well past the 'oohh I'm eligible for a bus pass' age. However I've never really felt it as much as these last few months. I've always been off the refuse to grow old gracefully brigade. Get on with it and enjoy life.

Which generally I do. 

Sometimes though, I think damn and blast (or words to that effect) What the you know what? Wonder if it's moan time. 

Do the why me, snarl and frown. 

(source: pinterest)

Then think oh sod it, a negative attitude is so bloody hard to keep up or enjoy. (If you get my meaning)

However, this week, when the words didn't want to come, and the words that did come weren't the words that worked for where I'd written them, the 'sod it get on with it with a grin' frame of mind wasn't so easy to achieve.

So I decided to ignore the stupid outlook I had, ignore the WIP and do something else.

We went to Durham.

I'd forgotten how hilly it was and just how many cobbles you walked over, but it was so worth it. I forgot about words, except how to say please and thank you. 

Read a book, ate too much chocolate and relaxed.

Had an excellent gluten free meal in Tia's, mooched around the fabulous indoor market, and chuckled at the ducks on the river.

Laughed and explored and came home in a much better frame of mind.

Edited a short story I'd written and got it ready to sub.

Wrote two thousand words that make sense.

And realised that the mini break did me the world of good.

Oh and yes, I know I'm lucky to be able to do that. If we hadn't I'd have put on my wellies and wandered around the village for a while to clear my head.

But I enjoyed my lovely mini break much more. Realised I like the glass half full me much more than the glass half empty one.

Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading,

love Raven xxx

ps I've just got a new book out. The Match Up, from totally bound and also on Amazon