Sunday 17 March 2024

Should I stay or should I go now?

 I can't help singing those words, although I'm not in a singing mood. more of a hmm, should I stay with this WIP or go now and accept it's never going to get finished?

It's a dilemma. One I hate facing but at the moment I think it's needs must as the saying goes.

It's annoying. I've got the first 35k done. 

I've got the last 5k done.

But it's the bit in the middle that's defeating me and it is incredibly frustrating.

I've been messing with the story for months. It started off well, and I was racing along—well as fast as my three finger typing can let me race. 25k was written in a few weeks. Then life got in the way and I had to keep rereading what I'd written.

But still so far so good. Another 5 or so thousand words came in dribs and drabs.

Then, in a change to the way I usually write I sorted theending out. I knew it, knew what I wanted to say and also knew I needed to get it down so I didn't forget any of it .

Which was all well and good except for one thing. 

The enormous void.

The knot that connects the two threads.

I can't find how to make that knot. 

At the moment I have three options. Or I think I do.

One, accept it's not going to get the ends tied together. Leave it and write something else. (bBut I hate giving up and admitting defeat.)

Two, just keep plodding on and deleting as need be. (But plodding is boring and I don't want that)

Three, shorten it. Do a wee bow not a big knot. (But then I'd feel I was short changing everyone.)

So now I'm adding a fourth option.

Drink coffee, eat chocolate and read a book by someone else. Yes it is procrastinating, and putting off te decision. But as I've been faffing about with the thing for so long, a few days more isn't going to make much difference.

wish me luck.

Happy Reading,

love Raven xxx

(photos etc source Pinterest)

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