Sunday 29 September 2024

Is that it?

 Okay, that's a bit of an ambiguous title, I admit it. But it's how I feel this week.

(source: pinterest)

Or, I should say, how I felt.

I'd only got 5k left to write on my WIP. 3 now but I have worked out the ending so that's for the next couple of days.

Then I realised I was doing the dreaded what next, urgh...stuff.

Which on reflection was a bit daft. (okay, a lot daft) I had a book to finish.

But I still had a niggle of 'when what?' 

Trying to get a clear head and buck up,  I decided to tidy up my iPad and delete stuff that was no longer needed. So filled with zeal I opened pages.

I discovered over 30k of a medical I'd started, subbed and had it rejected so fast, I doubt they'd looked further than my name and said 'nah', she doesn't write medical stories.

Which was true in the fact that I hadn't before but...

Anyway, I started to read it.Half an hour later, I remembered what I was supposed to be doing, so put it to one side.

But you know? I'm going to finish it after this Christmas story is done and dusted. Even if it doesn't get subbed, I will have the satisfaction of writing 'the end'.

Plus, as I prepared the paperback for New Beginnings of Bryony Bennett (out 10th October, New PB cover, will show it as soon as I can) I got the idea for another story set in the same area, featuring one of the minor character who was in a couple of the books set there.

Maybe I need to call them a series?

Watch this space

Happy Reading,

love Raven xxx