Sunday 26 May 2024

Travelling Blind, from East Yorkshire to a palace garden party and points beyond.

 Often in the rain.

Have you heard of Travelling Blind? 

If not now's your chance.

Travelling Blind is a blog run by two very lovely people, Andrew and Rebecca. (Or should that be Rebecca and Andrew 😉)

It chronicles the exploits—and antics—of Andrew. He's blind.

I listened to him doing a talk last year and he had me in stitches. He's a great raconteur and loves talking to people about what's going on in his life. 

How he went into hospital for an operstion on his legs, and ten days later came out of a coma. Blind!

There's no woe is me, no why me, just a determination to enjoy life in the new way. 

And Rebecca is with him one hundred percent.

They are a brilliant team.

He challenged us (and you) to do the toast and marmalade challenge. 

Find the loaf. (I honestly can't remember if you then have to toast it, but I imagine so. (Sorry!) 

Find the butter and the marmalade and spread them on.


It's not easy, but he makes it seem so accessible.

Rebecca is his his other half. Some might say the one person who can keep him in check. (I wouldn't dare)

One way of keeping busy, has him doing long distance walks for charity. 

As he puts it here,

"I am a blind man who writes a blog in the hope of showing people that being blind is not the end of life but the start of something new and exciting. It is also informative and, if I say so myself, very funny."

To date they have raised £15556 for Guide Dogs and this year they hope to raise at least another £10000.

In 2022 he became the first blind man to walk the Wolds Way, 79 miles in 7 days with 11 terrific volunteer guides. Last year Ihewas the first blind man to walk the Cleveland Way, 109 miles over 12 days with 18 amazing volunteer guides.

This year, he's hoping to complete the King Charles 111 coastal path.This runs from Berwick on Tweed (almost in Scotland, and has been on and of over the centuries. Okay history lesson over) It finishes off in Bridlington, in East Yorkshire.

It wil take place from 9-29 Septemeber inclusive. If you're around that way and you see him, don't forget to say hi. He does like cake, if anyone happens to have some with them.

This is not a begging blog, although of course if anyone does decide to donate it would be very gratefully received.

Oh and the Garden Party?

A thank you for all his (and Rebecca's) hard work.

(and it rained, but if you've been honoured with an invitation to a palace garden party, who cares?

Hats off to them, 

happy Reading, walking, donating, and just living,

Love, Raven xxx

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