Sunday, 10 December 2017

#SexySnippets where Sandy wonders why sex is not on the cards (or on the menu,) but lives in hope.

Hi all. A bit of a mouthful for my title for #sSexySnippets today, I know, but it had to be done.

(for those of you who have read snippets earlier, well you'll know Sandy is about to have a hot, non-sex-but-she's-hoping-otherwise date.)

I had to see what I could sort out for a pudding.
 Gah I had sex on the brain. That’s what not enough did to you. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had that sort of a sweaty work out. Well yes I could and it had been a disaster. A friend to a friend with benefits has its pitfalls believe me—Joe and I couldn’t look each other in the face—or anywhere—for weeks. It took us a long time to get back to the easy going friendship we’d enjoyed.

Catch all the other #SexySnippets here

Happy reading,

love, Raven x