Sunday 30 June 2024

Thank goodness for a good imagination

 Because then you're never truly alone.

Growing up I was an only child but not a lonely child. I was lucky I had cousins living less than ten miles away, friends nearby and best of all, a good imagination.

When I was by myself—parents or adults near by of course—I might be alone but never lonely.

I could conjour up imaginary friends, make up stories in my head, sometimes act them out with my toys and generally amuse myself.

Think... ummm what next?

(source pinterest)

My parents became used to me muttering to myself, telling my stories to them and asking what they thought. Thank goodness they were very supportive.

It was accepted I made up stories. both for myself and my friends.

Then I went to senior school and the imagination had to take a back seat while I concentrated on passing exams.

But I never thought it would be so many years before I thought it was time to try and dust off the imagination and write stories down.

For a good few years my storytelling was limited to making up stories for my children, but then a dozen or so years ago I let it flow free, and became a published author.

Very happy about that.

Which actually isn't really what this blog is about.

It's about how useful my imagination has been lately.

A couple of weeks ago I had an operation and since then I've not been able to settle or concentrate on anything.

No writing, no reading, no knitting held my attention. I wasn't just bored I was frustrated.

That's when my imagination came to the fore. Told me that it would entertain me.

And it did.

It even gave me some ides for my christmas stories.


Thank you imagination.

And thank you for reading,

love, Raven xxx 

Sunday 23 June 2024

Dear Blog


I am not neglecting you, honestly. I'm just not on top form at the moment and it's taking all of my energy to get through the day without actually thinking, if you get my meaning.

So meanwhile here's some random pics I've taken over the years.

See if you know where any of them are.

Fingers crossed I'll be back to rambling on next week. I miss it (and you)


Happy Reading,

love Raven xxx

Sunday 9 June 2024

where have all the oat bars gone?

 That's the gluten free ones I mean. 

The types of gluten free foods you can get, and the number of them go up and down like a you know what.

One day you see three or four varieties of a certain type. You go back a fortnight later and not one shop has any, and has no idea if they can get anymore or not.

Some supermarkets seem to bring out their own brand, and then drop it. The usual excuse is 'ohh there's no call for them', or 'we don't sell enough'.

 No, because you've never got enough stocked, or chose where to send them at random.

(Boy am I now on a rant, sorry) 

The other excuse I got once, 'was oh people aren't eating gluten free stuff any more'!!!

Excuse me while I fall on the floor and have a screaming fit! Or wonder...why?

(all courtesy of Pinterest)

Do they know how many people are Coeliac or intolerant? For those people it's not a lifestyle choice or a fad, it's a bleeping necessity.

And for those of us, we scour the shelves and mourn the fact that the choices are limited. And expensive.

And wonder where (if anywhere) we can get our favourites again.

These for instance, amongst others.

(image from Instagram)
(I've eaten all mine)

To say I like(d) them, was an understatement. Also the other flavours like choc chips and honey.

I've finished my last one and now what?

They're really handy to take out so if you can't get lunch or breakfast or whatever, you've got something you can eat.

Or they would be if you could get them.

Okay, rant over.

And, yes, I know there are some good brands out there that still exist, and to them I say a big thank you. I have you stashed in every handbag and in the car. 

But I do wish the range could increase in size and decrease in cost, just a wee bit. (Yes I kow everything has gone up, but if you ever look down the Gluten-free section beware of having to do a double take!)

Anyway to finish on a high note, Bizzie Lizzies by the canal bridge in Skipton, North Yorkshire, does amazing G-F fish and chips.

(Their photo)
(I ate mine before I remembered I wanted to take a photo)

now back to my coffee without an oat bar,

Happy eating,

love Raven xxx

Sunday 2 June 2024

Wi, or wi-oot thon dialect eh?

 To use the local lingo or not...

That is a question.

One I ask myself every time I write a book.

People love it or hate it. Some think it should be used to keep a character, well in character. Others think it pulls them out of the story, especially if it's words they've never heard of.

(you've guessed it, it's in a pub. The Beer Engine in Skipton, North Yorkshire)

What's the answer?

I guess as you hear so often, you can't please all of the people all of the time. So I do what I think works best. 

And compromise.

Sometimes, it feels as if the person speaking is 'false' if you don't show how they'd talk normally. Sometimes it feels false to add the dialect.

It's a minefield.

So if it's ah ken, canny, wor lass or haway th'lads, sithee, old bean, or gan on; ehh, bawbag or bait, ***

I'll only use them if  my character demands it.

What do you think?

Happy reading...or is that researching dialects?

love Raven xxx

*** translations, in order, 

I know


My/our wife/daughter

Go on you boys (usually re football)

See you

Old friend/chap/boy

Get on

An ignorant person, or the scrotum
