Sunday 13 October 2024

Better later than...?


Or is it?

I say that because today went pear shaped very quickly.

Not in a really bad way but in a series of oh blooming 'eck' sort of things.

For instance.

I put the washing in the machine...

turned it on...walked away. 

Time to make a coffee, pick some carrots for dinner, drink coffee, tidy up, and once the washing was finished and drying, start to write a blog.


About, of all things, trying to juggle time to sit down and finish the latest WIP, in between doctors, dentists, shopping, not ignoring my other half etc, etc.

I noticed my laptop needed charging, took it into the study so it could get a bit of boost while I sorted the washing and drank my coffee. Then I'd be set up.

Meanwhile the vacuum cleaner got stuck under the sofa.

I helped (as in gave probably not very useful advice to my other half) to get it moved.

The washing machine beeped it had finished the wash. I went to get the washing out and...


I noticed the dosing ball was sitting on the work surface. 


I could imagine it laughing and saying...

That load of washing sure got wet. I did it again.

Went to get my laptop so I could write a blog and get stuck into my almost finished wIP.

Only to find I hadn't plugged the blasted thing in.

I plugged it in!

As it was on around 10% charge and the study not tne warmest place, I gave in and went to get the veg ready.


Those lovely potatoes from the garden we'd been using?

All gone.

Took a very deep breath and cussed under my breath.

We went to the nearest supermarket seven or eight miles away. At least it wasn't closed.

Got the potatoes!

Gave in and went for an alcohol-free spritzer.

Came home, and here we are.

So the blog I was going to do, is now on hold for another time.

Watch this space,

Hope your day was better,

happy reading,

love Raven xxx

NB all illustrations courtesy of Pinterest

Sunday 6 October 2024

This blog is brought to you by:-

the sound of me tearing my hair out as I reread my two Christmas stories, and find stupid typos and contradictions.

(source: pinterest)

Hopefully normal service will be resumed next week.

Why do I think that?

Because by then they will have been checked, corrected as best I can, and sent to my editor to groan over.

Until then, very sorry, all I can think of is brids not birds vice not voice and a very rude word instead of cant.

Let's hope your reading is more understandable,

love, Raven xxx