I was sorting out the fridge. Seeing what was near its sell by date, and yes, what was past it. My other half has a cast iron stomach, and a propensity to decide the day after I’ve thrown something out, to ask where it is and say he was going to eat it, to which my reply was and is, “It was off and now it’s gone.” (I must add I do know about sell by, use by, and my own version of advice which is sniff, and maybe nibble.)
I’ve resorted to a list sometimes, where I’ve put the date of things I know must be used up. Stuff you can’t freeze, fancy and then forget about, to find it lurking in the back of the fridge and looking a bit fluffy, or the wrong colour,
However, that isn’t really what this blog is all about. It’s more of food people love, hate, or ignore. Not food they are allergic to, that’s for another day.
For instance, any cheese in our fridge I ignore. I dislike cheese. So it could be so out of date as to virtually walk out of the fridge by itself. I wouldn’t know. I don’t like the taste of cheese, though I have tried over the years. Different cheeses, ages…no no thank you. As for cooking cheese? Pass me something to block my nose!
The rest of the family think it’s weird, but then, they each have something they don’t like. Thankfully not detest!
And we all like treats.
It makes me wonder a bit. I mean my parents had cheese whenever they could. In a sandwich or on toast. Me? I’d go for bread and jam or toast, and sit as far away from the cheese as I could. So why do I detest it? I have no idea.
I did a bit of an ask around over food tastes and the things people came back with as dislikes, were varied. From cheese, pears, and salt and vinegar crisps, to cabbage, cucumber, and sweetcorn. The list is varied.
It helps to make some interesting attributes to give to characters in a story. I must find about food loves next.
How about a salt and vinegar hating, pear loving hero?
Happy reading everyone,
Love Raven xxx