Wednesday 17 July 2024

A Wednesday wonder

 Or is it a ponder?

(source, pinterest)

Who knows. I think I'll hedge my bets and say a bit of both.

In case you don't have a clue what I'm talking about, I'll explain.

I've been hum-ing and ha-ing over the ending to the book I'm trying to finish off. The one I realised to my horror I've been playing around with for several years. Opening it, writing a bit, and putting it to one side and writing something else. Which is so not like me. It's usually, start write and finish.

Even my laptop is confused.


 That's what I'm wondering, or is it pondering?  I'm only a few thousand words from the end. I know how it finishes, whether it's a HEA or a HFN. so why aren't I getting on with it and finishing it?

I wish I knew.

I seem to be doing everything except doing that. Research? Great but not for this story. Rereading? Ad nauseam, but then getting to the last sentence I've written and...making a cup of coffee, baking, knitting, reading, walking...anything but typing where I need to.

How do I get out of that mind set? 
Do I think the story is rubbish so it doesn't need finishing? Actually no. I really like it. But I guess here's the rub.

My writing style has changed over the years. Of course it has. But what I'm now comfortable writing, is generally not what my publishers want. So I wonder if that's one reason why I'm swithering. Because if I want it to see the light of day, I'll need to self-publish. and that scares the you know what out of me. (Yes daft but there we go)

Luckily I've got a great new publisher in Bastet's Quill with whom I'm updating and re-editing sone of my well out of print stories. Teaching Teacher is coming out at the end of the month.

I'm also incredibly fortunate to have fabulous co-author in Cassie O'Brien. Our next offering will be this year's Christmas stories.Watch this space.

I've made notes for another couple of stories, and I'm itching to get stuck in. But I'm determined to finish this WIP first.

Some one shake me up please.

Meanwhile I can get excited about the boxed set of the Castle on the Loch series

Marcail, Bonnie and Baird, siblings who need to accept their fate and move forward.

Love by the Stroke of Midnight

History, family, fate. Accept it or deny it at your will.

The Heather and the Plaid

History, family, fate. Accept it or deny it at your will. To have a future, they need to make peace with the past.

The Renaissance of Baird Drummond

Family has to be resolved and wrongdoings undone. Love recognised, accepted and returned. Then, only then, can life move forward. Or can it? 

Out from Totally Bound and Amazon on 30th July 2024

Meanwhile, back to the unfinished WIP...

Happy reading,

Love, Raven xxx

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