Sunday 30 June 2024

Thank goodness for a good imagination

 Because then you're never truly alone.

Growing up I was an only child but not a lonely child. I was lucky I had cousins living less than ten miles away, friends nearby and best of all, a good imagination.

When I was by myself—parents or adults near by of course—I might be alone but never lonely.

I could conjour up imaginary friends, make up stories in my head, sometimes act them out with my toys and generally amuse myself.

Think... ummm what next?

(source pinterest)

My parents became used to me muttering to myself, telling my stories to them and asking what they thought. Thank goodness they were very supportive.

It was accepted I made up stories. both for myself and my friends.

Then I went to senior school and the imagination had to take a back seat while I concentrated on passing exams.

But I never thought it would be so many years before I thought it was time to try and dust off the imagination and write stories down.

For a good few years my storytelling was limited to making up stories for my children, but then a dozen or so years ago I let it flow free, and became a published author.

Very happy about that.

Which actually isn't really what this blog is about.

It's about how useful my imagination has been lately.

A couple of weeks ago I had an operation and since then I've not been able to settle or concentrate on anything.

No writing, no reading, no knitting held my attention. I wasn't just bored I was frustrated.

That's when my imagination came to the fore. Told me that it would entertain me.

And it did.

It even gave me some ides for my christmas stories.


Thank you imagination.

And thank you for reading,

love, Raven xxx 

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