Tuesday 5 March 2019

Disgraceful I know... *Hangs head in shame* But I'm back

Hi anyone who is lovely enough to take the time to read this. Thank you.

Yes, I've not been on top form, or indeed doing lots of the things I should, but I am sort of back in the groove and hope to get better, albeit slowly.

First off I'm in a celebratory mood as after nothing released since January, I have two books out this week. Strangely both follow ons from the two in January if that makes sense.

Today it's a boxed set, Diomhair part 2 

I'm so pleased that Totally Bound decided this series was worth putting out like this. The first three books were in the first set. Strange that eh? *snigger*

But I mean what more could you ask for? A BDSM club set in a Scottish Castle, hot heroes who are Dom's through and through, and feisty heroines who know what they want and aren't afraid to say so. Plus a strange white van and a mystery.

So much fun to write and the castle I based Diomhair on is a ruined place not far from where I live so great for inspiration.

They're on Amazon here

and of course on my TB page here

Along with my other books.

As for writing... Argh, yeah, that slowed right down as well. Now though, I'm ready to crack on...if only one story would shout loudest. As ever a lot are talking, but no one is louder than the others yet... so i'm trying to be patient... It's not easy when your ready and waiting...

Lovely hubby and I have been on holiday and he's redecorating the house. I provide the annoying comments like 'you've missed a bit', 'hmm is that really the right colour do you think', and 'you've let your cuppa go cold'. Great to be ignored, told to let him get on, and so I can write. 

Anyway, I'm off to have a serious chat with my muse.

(Source: pinterest)

Or is it the other way round?

Whichever wish me luck, and if you read the books please let me know what you think.

Happy reading,

love Raven xx


  1. Best of luck and I rather think it's definitely the other way around with your muse who's been rather flighty and indecisive.

  2. Well fingers x'd it's behaving now...
