Sunday 10 March 2024

When you think I wish I was like *****

 I've been writing this last week, and as the WIP progresses, I'm discovering things about my heroine I hadn't realised. (Yes, okay because I hadn't delved that far into how I intended to 'shape' her) I also rather like her and her attitude which is a relief because I want her to feisty but nice with it.

To be the sort of person everyone likes and respects.

(Source: Pinterest)

If only we could all be like that.

I know we're all different, with our own individuality, but when I read something, or see something where a person is being at the least unpleasant and at the worst very bad or dangerous it does make me wonder. Why? What's the point?

Of course there must be a point and often it's easy to see it, but equally sometimes you can't fathom out that why.

And sometimes you never ever find out.

I was thinking about that as I reread some of my WIP and realised there was someone in it, who holds the clue to a lot of the things that happen in this book. And that person isn't nice at all.

Now I need to discover why they are as they are.

It's going to be a fun week.

Happy sleuthing,

love Raven xxx

(ps It's raining so I intend to hole myself up in my study, with coffee and write. wish me luck)

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