Sunday 3 March 2024

Not so much 'gizza job' as 'gizza break'...

 Years ago on British TV, there was a programme called Boys From the Black Stuff, and one of the characters 'phrase' was 'gizza job'.

Give me a job.

Well this week I feel like saying,

'gizza break.'

Just a wee one. Let me catch breath and smell the coffee. And reading something that makes sense would be good,

(Please, not one I'm trying to write. Not this week.)

If that makes me sound pathetic, well I've felt a right whingebag, moaning old sod these last few days. 

Old being the operative word in fact. Now yes, I know in some people's eyes I'm a geriatric. Probably a cantankerous one at that. Well past the 'oohh I'm eligible for a bus pass' age. However I've never really felt it as much as these last few months. I've always been off the refuse to grow old gracefully brigade. Get on with it and enjoy life.

Which generally I do. 

Sometimes though, I think damn and blast (or words to that effect) What the you know what? Wonder if it's moan time. 

Do the why me, snarl and frown. 

(source: pinterest)

Then think oh sod it, a negative attitude is so bloody hard to keep up or enjoy. (If you get my meaning)

However, this week, when the words didn't want to come, and the words that did come weren't the words that worked for where I'd written them, the 'sod it get on with it with a grin' frame of mind wasn't so easy to achieve.

So I decided to ignore the stupid outlook I had, ignore the WIP and do something else.

We went to Durham.

I'd forgotten how hilly it was and just how many cobbles you walked over, but it was so worth it. I forgot about words, except how to say please and thank you. 

Read a book, ate too much chocolate and relaxed.

Had an excellent gluten free meal in Tia's, mooched around the fabulous indoor market, and chuckled at the ducks on the river.

Laughed and explored and came home in a much better frame of mind.

Edited a short story I'd written and got it ready to sub.

Wrote two thousand words that make sense.

And realised that the mini break did me the world of good.

Oh and yes, I know I'm lucky to be able to do that. If we hadn't I'd have put on my wellies and wandered around the village for a while to clear my head.

But I enjoyed my lovely mini break much more. Realised I like the glass half full me much more than the glass half empty one.

Whatever you do, I hope you enjoy it.

Happy reading,

love Raven xxx

ps I've just got a new book out. The Match Up, from totally bound and also on Amazon

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