Hi all,
It's #SexySnippets time, where a group of writers tease you with a mere seven sentences. You can find us all here and if you fancy joining us, that's where you sign up.
On 31st July, Compromised, the prequel to my new Regency Series, Cursed Treasure is out. ( www.evernightpublishing.com ) and it's a free read.
the price. The heart of ye child to be liftin the curse. Dare ye risk it?"
time of terror, a time of hope?
When Mijo
escaped from Madame Le Guillotine, and set sail to England, little did she know
who her savior was, or what he would mean to her.
Theo was
enchanted by his émigré, but knew what trouble they could be in. After dodging
the French, revenue men and smugglers now they had their feelings to contend
Passion was all well and good, as long as
they could weather the storm it unleashed, and solve the curse.
Marie-Josephine decided she would prefer
to help sail the boat instead of being told to hold on and stay out of the way.
Patience was not her best trait, plus, the attitude of the captain could almost
make her wish herself back in her beloved France—almost.
acquaintance if she ever
set foot on French soil again. Her enemies
ankle—her stockings had shredded and been discarded days
She is one brave lady, your Mijo :-)