Can bring back memories...
plus sites—and sights, scents, sensations, scenarios and sweet memories.
Or bad ones but I'd rather concentrate on the positive.
And think...
What bought this about?
The lovely husband was tidying his desk and found an old hard drive. which was full of photos from anything up to twenty or so years ago.
And every photo brought back memories. Of fabulous holidays, and experiences like street food in Singapore. The Night Market in Hong Kong, watching a shoal of fish turn a placid english river into something like a whirlpool.
Street signs, a junk in Hong Kong Harbour, Tring a zip line (Never again) And as I looked through the photos I could imagine what it was like.
I remembered food, parks, animals and birds. The sheer joy of discovering somewhere new. Even now I'm thinking how lucky I was to go to somewhere different and fascinating.
The picture of me holding one of my earliest paperbacks, gave me the sensation of the smell of a new book.
Looking at a photo of a cake and I couldn't remember who made it and why. That was (and still is) frustrating.
Then there's times I had to go back to where I thought of something, because I'd forgotten what it is I wanted to do after seeing something in a photo. (Or even just thought of something and forgotten it before I got to where it was.)
Some photos I'm sure I've got a dozen of, taken at different times of the day, and different years. But each one evokes a different memory.
Remembering the sound of the waves, the fish market and the live music.
Heading to Devon and watching the fishermen go net fishing,
So of course I then got out the box of snapshots.
Old Photos of my family, from Grandparents, to the present day. Imagining I could smell my late mum's favourite perfume. Remembering how she'd go to the hairdressers and the same day, a few hours later, go swimming.
Looking at wedding photos and feeling the silk petals of a corsage, how my feet hurt and I kicked my shoes off as soon as I could.
(No I'm not showing that photo)
Rain on the patio, with the Christmas lights twinkling and the scent of fresh earth once the rain stops
Happy reminiscing,
Love Raven xxx
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