Sunday 17 September 2023

who has the grapes?

 It's a not so well known fact that I love seedless grapes and hate ones with pips with a vengeance.

I mean you bite into them and wonder if you've broken a filling. 

Oh not so bad as an unexpected nut or bit of toffee but I mean, really a hard pip-filled grape It's just not on. I want to savour it, not check it for teeth chipping hazards.

Which got me thinking about other food hazards...when you get to 'a certain age'. 

Food, treats—okay sweets—chocolate— coleslaw.

Hold on you say. Coleslaw? Not very likely is it?

Oh yes it is... (No need to do the pantomime chorus, the lovely husband and I have been there got the t-shirt and so on.. because YES it is.

Which is not something I want to contemplate as last week I had to have a healthy tooth out.

Because I'd cracked it straight down the middle.

On coleslaw.

I kid you not. Crunchy coleslaw and a bit of the cabbage was hard enough for me to have to say bye bye to a tooth. Just call me gappy.

I'm lucky I have a fabulous dentist who made the whole extraction relatively painless. (Thank you Dr Kath). A wee bit of tugging and one tiny ouch moment as one of the injections went into my palate. The rest was okay bite in this wedge of sterile cloth to stop the bleeding, don't eat or rink anything hot, read this information leaflet and you will have an achy jaw. And if you need to, ring me.

And I headed home to contemplate lukewarm soup half cold tea and do not use a straw, I realised that actually I'm darned lucky. It was a tooth, yes, but only one.
and I got into see my dentist fast.

In the grand scheme of things I would never have thought coleslaw could be a culprit to deprive me of a tooth.

Now a seed or ten in a grape...?

Luckily mine are seedless.

Plus the chocolate is soft, the biscuits dunkable and the sore mouth is getting better.

I hope you all have a good (and extraction-less week)

Happy reading,

love Raven xxx

All pics courtesy of pinterest

1 comment:

  1. Ouch. Granted, I once lost a crown after biting into cheese. Crown stayed behind. Thankfully, not painful.
