Go on holiday, actually have time to chat.
Life would be different.
While he worked I wrote a lot, especially in the winter, when he was away. Living where we did, in Scotland it got dark early and light late. I'd close the curtains and then...write.
And often wake up to this.
Beautiful but not easy to then get out and do stuff. It would be slide to the log store and back again. And write ( with a cup of coffee next to me)
So, as I said when he retired it was slow down and smell the daisies.
The funny thing is, I know I'm not as prolific as I was, but I'm enjoying my writing much more. I can't say if my writing is better now, or worse, I have no idea. But what I can say is that even though I've always loved making up stories, and the joy I get it someone likes what I write is indescribable, I feel like I'm now putting more of me into what I write.
Not more of myself as in I write about me, but without the pressure (self imposed) I used to have, I can enjoy the words, the 'script', the way the story comes together much more.
If that sounds crazy, I apologise. Here's me who is supposed to be a writer, lost for words. Well I know a lot of words but can't put them together to describe what I'm trying to say.
So I'll stop there and just add, that so far this year there's a few books due out.
The Catch Up ( preorder Feb)
Book 2 in Happy Ever After at Romansa Castle
The Renaissance of Baird Drummond Book 3, The Castle on the Loch
The Duke's Lost Love co-authored with Cassie O'Brien
Book 3 in The Scots and the Sassenachs
The Match Up
book 3 In Happy Ever After at Romansa Castle
Autumn no date as yet.
Theres a few hmm maybe's in the pipeline as well, and of course I have a book of notes and possible story lines. I'm a great eavesdropped ( my bad) but when someone id discussing tings loudly at a nearby table in a restaurant, you can't help but here can you? And if they are discussing their love life...? Well who wouldn't be interested to know how far down her shopping list someone gets when she and her partner are making love?
It was sprouts... she did it alphabetically.
(source, pinterest)
Not sure if that was good or not. We had paid the bill and left!
And with a bit of luck Cassie and I will bring our Christmas Special out again.
Wherever you are, happy reading,
love Raven xxx
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