Sunday, 16 October 2022

Cataracts and Coffee—typos and toast

 It's me again. delighted to be told my cataract op was a success. Now to wait for the next one. 

I hadn't realised how bad my eyesight was until now, when the eye that was the better eye is now very much the worst one.

I'm still wearing one lens in my reading glasses when I type, and sometimes for reading, but not for anything else.

So imagine me, the other morning, laptop open (I was so far behind in this story it's not funny) and waiting for the kettle to boil. I'd my specs on.

Took them off, measured out the coffee. Turned to the post that had just arrived. Squinted.

Ah, glasses on.  Not for me.

Milk in coffee? Glasses off.

Bread for toaster? What's the one to use first? Specs on to read the dates. Chose loaf. Specs off, toast bread, butter bread.

Sit down.

Need to check for typos. Specs on. Drink coffee, eat toast.

Go to wash up.

Specs off.

Back to laptop.

Where's the specs?

Have to go and find the other pair with one long distance lens in to see reading glasses.


But I am happy to think I'm on the way to better vision.

Oh, and I can wear ordinary sunglasses!


Meanwhile, I need to type furiously in the WIP.

and read it over...

So happy to send my two Christmas shorts to Cassie O'Brien where along with her two stories the fabulous Emmy Ellis will edit them, give us a super cover and we'll get them out to you for Christmas. I'm chuffed with mine so fingers crossed you are too.

(If you read them of course)

*Hangdog expression*

Meanwhile I'm cracking on with The Meet Up, book two in Happy Ever after at Romansa Castle, and doing some edits on The Renaissance of Baird Drummond, which is the last book in the Castle on the loch series. Both are due out late spring, early summer.

In amongst all of this, I'm freezing beans, sorting out a pre-birthday party for my brother in law who is due a b...i...g 'O' soon and making soups. Plus checking for my infamous typos. (I"d written choking and chicken before I finally changed it to checking.)

But it's better to be busy than at a loose end, isnt it?

Happy reading,

love, Raven xx

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