Friday, 15 July 2016

#FFF Loving you

One picture...

(source pinterest)

One hundred words...
My interpretation...

Loving you...

Her heart missed a beat. Nerves jangled, pulses throbbed. A film in front of her eyes made the building shimmer and the sky dim.
At last.
She turned to the man next to her.
‘Seven years,’ she said quietly. ‘Seven long bloody years. And for what? ‘
She stared at the building again, sure it mocked her.
‘Because I loved where I wanted not where they wanted me to. Incarcerated for loving you. Now, it’s time.’
 ‘Are you sure?’
 ‘Oh yes. Give me the plunger—let me blow it up. Pity they’re in there, but that’s life.

 Or death.’

Catch all the others ~here~


  1. Excellent flasher. Such a n unexpected end

  2. Wow, I didn't see that one coming towards the end. This is pretty deep. Nice flash.

  3. Eyes wide in shock! Wow I didn't expect that ending! Great flash!

  4. So dark and delicious, love it!
