What you wonder? (Or if anyone reads this I hope you wonder.)
This blog.
The thing I agonise over every week, and have worried thoughts about.
As in, is it all a load of drivel? Does anyone who glances at it sigh and pass by. You know that sort of thing. Wish they’d gone fishing so to speak?
When I first stared to write, both books and the blog, I spent almost every waking minute, doing things connected with creating my stories. Writing, researching, editing, hosting on the blog or writing on it myself. I had lots of ideas and loads of time.
These days it’s not so easy. That’s not an excuse, it’s a fact. A rather unpalatable truth, but something I’ve had to face up to.
For a start, circumstances have changed. The lovely husband retired, so all those hours alone aren’t there any more. We do things together. (no sniggering please) We’ve moved house—oh those boxes to empty and find somewhere for the contents to live. Not easy when you downsize.
Had some lovely holidays,
Explored new places, and old.
Instead of my old routine of up, coffee write. Coffee lunch write. Quick tidy round and dinner, etcetera, it’s much less solitary and I would say both leisurely and chaotic depending on the ‘to do’ list.
And sadly I’m writing less. A lot less. Oh the ideas are still there but that fire and drive seems to have died a bit. Okay a lot.
Some of it is because of what I want to write and how. I’ve changed my style I guess. When I fist stared to write the stories were hotter, more sexy. Now I’m more into softer, rom-com sort of things. And my two major publishers don’t want that. So I think that took some of the urgency out of writing anything new. I’m playing around with ideas more.
Luckily for me, Bastet’s Quill Publishing are interested in some of my stories, so my name will still be around, and some new stuff getting out there, but no way as it was a few years ago.
I’m also lucky that some of my RavDor Chicks friends and co-members read and offer suggestions. Thank you, you know who you are!
I’ve thought about this ‘new era’ a lot. I could so something about it. Get up at silly o clock every day like I used to, and write before anyone else is up, but as I’ve become older, I’m more likely to wake up and read the paper or a book over that early morning coffee. The writing brain needs time to get going.
Typically when it’s in gear, there’s something else that needs doing. Hey ho, that is, I’ve accepted, life.I’ve also accepted that this new writing me, works in a different way, at a different pace. I still love writing Regency stories, just not hot ones. I have fun creating my places and people both for Regency times and today. I still love researching, plotting or winging it…but…The urgency isn’t there.
The ideas for my blog are hard to come by.
Sometimes I wish it was as it had been. But it isn’t and you can’t go back, only forward.
So I’ve accepted my writing is just as important as ever, but has to take its place in my everyday life as it is now.
And my blog? Well I’ve accepted the old five to seven blogs a week are gone for ever. As it seems are the hundred of readers they used to get.
But I’ve faced the fact that the one blog every week when possible is not that visible, and the things I blog—okay, ramble on—about are probably yawn making to a lot of people.
But I do agonise over them, try my best to think of something someone might read, even enjoy.
Do I succeed?
No idea.
Do I carry on?
No idea.
What do you think?
Hope you all (if anyone’s got this far), have a great day.
Happy reading,
Love Raven xxx