The lurgy has got the better of me.
Coughing and spluttering.
All I want to do is sleep.
The lurgy has got the better of me.
Coughing and spluttering.
All I want to do is sleep.
As in, I was all ready to write this week’s blog, when we were called unexpectedly, ‘down south’ to look after an almost three year old.
Exhausted is an understatement. It’s over thirty years since we had a three year old to contend with. By the time we got him into bed, I didn’t feel like food, drink and couldn’t even summons up the energy to have a shower. I fitted that in after the nursery run and before the washing, drying, hoovering, tidying…
Don’t get me wrong. It’s been great fun as well. Going on a Christmas light hunt.
Making up Christmas stories about Santa and the reindeer and the Christmas Angel, and having to think up reasons to answer the ever asked ‘why’.
Thinking about a story of The Snowman and his Family. Then trying to remember it!
Realising we are going to be away from home for Christmas and all our presents aren’t with us, but we will have the bonus of spending time with ones we love.
Discovering that half the undies I’d shoved in the suitcase were the ones due to go into the rag pile. What a good excuse to go shopping.
And thinking well at least I can wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Plus, remind you to look out for the Christmas Angel who helps fix Santas Sleigh. (You’d need to have been there to know the story).
Thanks all for reading these blogs,
Love Raven xxx
I thought this week it was time to thank all those people who over my life have helped me (and maybe hindered but it all came right in the end) encouraged me and not actually influenced me per se, but shown me that sometimes there's more than one way to do something successfully.
Not always a big thing, but something that helped. meant a lot, and stuck in my mind.From being a child and learning adults can be bitchy (oh yes they can) but your parents understood and accepted what you said.
To a schoolfriend standing up to a bully, to giving you a cuddle when your boyfriend ditched you.
And as a grown up (if I ever really grew up... the jury is probably out on that one) being able to moan cuss, high five and talk things over with someone you trust not to share what's bugging you.
I've been lucky that way.
Especially when fourteen years ago I met a group of people who all wanted to write and yes of course be pyblished.
We all entered a competition, none of us won anything, but we formed a group to help and encourage each other.
Take a bow The NutHouse Scribblers.
Gradually a fair few of us got published. Great rejoicing all round.
When I finished my first full m/s then my fellow scribblers helped me edit it, researched the best place to submit it to and yay, it was accepted.
There was a lot of celebrating for each and every one of us.
They helped me more than I reckon they ever knew.
As did my publisher and editors. The late lamented, Breathless Press gave me the determination to try various sub genres of romance and at various heat levels. And the sense that I could and should carry on writing. Not just for them, but to spread my wings.
Which I did.
On the way met a lot more of those amazing people I'm thanking, without mentioning any names. Because I'd be sure to forget someone important.
forget someone or some thing important...
Doris O'Connor and my lovely facebook group,
The Ravdor Chicks
Take A Bow
Thanks all of you for your help and support.
You see it's not always necessarily help in a big way. Although when people give up their time to read over something you've written and can point out your errors etcetera, check your knitting for dropped stitches and fix them, sort out a lock that's stuck, a leaking tap or welcome you to a village, club, society or whatever, it is so welcome!
Sometimes it's as little as one word. Good, or even nah. Or just the knowledge they know what you are going through. Plus, if they can't help you knowing someone who can.
Therefore to everyone who has helped me in my umpty-tiddly years on this earth, and of course to you my readers, both here and of my books. Without you, there would be no Raven McAllan, author. Or indeed, Kera Faire, Katy Lilley or for YA J. Lilley, so
thank you
Love Raven xx
Sundays of long—and not so long—ago.
I'm in a bit of a nostalgic mood today, not sure why,
I think it was listening to the Young Chorister of the Year competition on the radio that set me thinking.
Christmas is coming and all that. But memories weren’t just about the season.
They are Sunday School on a Sunday afternoon. The drunk who pressed a squashed bar of chocolate into my and my mate’s hands and how our parents told us to put it in the bin and gave us the do not talk to strangers chat. Actually we hadn’t, he’d just lurched in our direction, told us we were Bonnie Lassies and given us the chocolate bars.
Of no shops open in a Sunday, of moving to Scotland and finding shops were open, pubs shut at 9 ish and on a Sunday you could drink on a pub but not buy alcohol to take out.
I think a lot of these Sunday memories are because the news I thought I saw the other day was about one of the Scottish islands was only just about to get a Sunday service. (and I can’t now find that item saying which one)
It reminded me of what we didn’t and didn’t do.
Lots of reading, walks and picnics.
Sunday roast and the remains as cold meat or mince on a Tuesday.
I’m not saying it was better—or worse—than today. Just different.
Like getting a new Christmas jumper or a bonnet for Easter.
Happy reminiscing,
Love, Raven xxx
Perhaps I should add NO just one list.
That says in big, bold letters—
Really, it should be enough.
The trouble is, I am a list maker. If only I was a list follow-througher as well. It’s very easy to make them, but oh, boy, does it need an iron will to get on, do what’s listed and cross it off until the list is no more.
And I can say, without a word of a lie, I am not the best in the word at doing that.
Oh I can write the list, without any problems.
Writing…Hmmm that’s not always so easy. Rereading?
Maybe. I need a coffee to do that
Ooops, forgot to add drink coffee to list. But then that’s a given.
The permanent marker? That’s not so easy. Where did I use it last?
Stamps. When I drive to the next village where I may or may not find a birthday card.
Odd socks? Forget it. Not worth it.
I never get them matched properly.
As for ironing?
That is always at the bottom of the queue.
After a blitz (or half a one) I end up with something like this…
How do you go about it all?
happy list making…oh, and afterwards I wrote 2k,
Love, Raven xxx
That’s me today.
I had an idea for today’s blog. It was (I thought at the time—approx 2.15 am—) a good one.
I had it all planned out. In my mind that is, sadly not here.
Because of course, when I woke up, I’d forgotten the lot.
That, once I’d stopped trying to remember what it was that I’d forgotten, made me smile, albeit wryly.
How many times have I—or you I imagine— thought of something, during the night, only to have forgotten what it was when you’ve woken up again. You know you did have an idea but not what it was.
So very frustrating.
And, what about thinking you need to do something, going to do it, can’t remember what it was and having to go back to where it was you thought of it, to then—sometimes—remember it again.
Unfortunately, I can’t go back two nights etcetera for the idea I had for this blog.
Hey ho.
My apologies for this non blog, blog. I’ll try to better next time.
Back to the wip. My heroine is about to get very annoyed and be extremely firm over her future.. In the best possible way.
Happy reading,
Love, Raven xxx
I’ve added the question mark because I have heard some heated argument over that statement.
Some agree it’s good to look back. Others are vehemently opposed to the idea, saying to look forward is the only way to go.
Well I would say I’m sitting on the fence, except that makes me think I sound as if I don’t have anny ideas on what is for my best, and it’s not like that.
For me, anyway, I think it’s best to do both, with a chunk of think about the now thrown in.
I was looking through some old photos of places we’ve been to over the years, in various Novembers as well as other times.
Oh the happy memories.
Equally I’m enjoying the now, relishing in the fact that my knew knee is doing its job, our home is lovely and we have lots of great things, I hope, coming our way.
And giving thanks for what we have.
Favourite words and how not to use them!
Except argh.
That is always useable.
Why? Because she is not only a great author, but a very supportive friend.
Sadly not one I’ve not been fortunate enough to meet face to face, but one day…fingers crossed.
When I’ve needed advice Rachel is one of the people I turn to and trust.
She is a fabulous and prolific writer. I mean that in a good way. Her books are not repetitive or churned out. They are researched, and well thought out. I decided that before we even got a chance to ‘converse’. I love all her books under her various pen names. Darcey Boleyn, Cathy Lake, Rachel Griffiths, and Megan Attley.
Please check her books out. I have too many favourites to pick one. (and I don’t want to upset the rest 😉)
Ok, I really love the Rachel Griffiths Sunflower Street series.
And, I can share some covers.
Plus there's her website of course, which is
Yes okay this is a blog post about one of my favourite authors. There will be more in this thread.
(the midweek shout out)
Happy reading,
love Raven xxx
Frumpy or fashionable?
No not me, though which I am is debatable.
I'm talking about the old favourite—or most hated garment—the cardigan.
Affectionately known as a cardi, or a woolly.
Which are around in a variety lengths, materials and heat level, and for all ages.
As a child, I hated those home made ones. Knitted by my mum, aunty or grandmother. in the most scratchy wool known to man or beast. Usually three sizes too big 'so you can grow into it'.
Now though?
I'm a cardi convert. What's nicer, on a cold evening to wrap a big chunky cardigan around you?
Or to put a thin cotton one in your bag, just in cse you might need it later.
They don't need to be scratchy, or three sizes too big anymore. They can be as big—or small—as I fancy. And of course in a variety of weights and colours, and go with anthing be it jeans or a posh frock. (Until recently I had a photo of a very elegant evening cardi I have. Which of course I've lent to a friend. I can't find the photo or take another picture. Just imagine thin, black, 3/4 sleeves and with bugle beads around the bottom!)
I hate having to get rid of one. Even if it does have a hole under the arm, only four out of seven buttons andis misshapen. It does for warmth not elegance when I'm in the house or picking veg from the garden.
It's good to think, 'ah new cardigan time',and panic when no shop seems to have any in!
Then, phew. Winter stock and some are thin!
I've restocked!
Have a great week,
and remember I have a mid-week shout out on Wednesday
love Raven xxx
Pics courtesy of pinterest
Or is it?
I say that because today went pear shaped very quickly.
Not in a really bad way but in a series of oh blooming 'eck' sort of things.
For instance.
I put the washing in the machine...
turned it on...walked away.
Time to make a coffee, pick some carrots for dinner, drink coffee, tidy up, and once the washing was finished and drying, start to write a blog.
About, of all things, trying to juggle time to sit down and finish the latest WIP, in between doctors, dentists, shopping, not ignoring my other half etc, etc.
I noticed my laptop needed charging, took it into the study so it could get a bit of boost while I sorted the washing and drank my coffee. Then I'd be set up.
Meanwhile the vacuum cleaner got stuck under the sofa.
I helped (as in gave probably not very useful advice to my other half) to get it moved.
The washing machine beeped it had finished the wash. I went to get the washing out and...
I noticed the dosing ball was sitting on the work surface.
I could imagine it laughing and saying...
Went to get my laptop so I could write a blog and get stuck into my almost finished wIP.
Only to find I hadn't plugged the blasted thing in.
I plugged it in!
As it was on around 10% charge and the study not tne warmest place, I gave in and went to get the veg ready.
Those lovely potatoes from the garden we'd been using?
All gone.
Took a very deep breath and cussed under my breath.
We went to the nearest supermarket seven or eight miles away. At least it wasn't closed.Got the potatoes!
Gave in and went for an alcohol-free spritzer.
Came home, and here we are.
So the blog I was going to do, is now on hold for another time.
Watch this space,
Hope your day was better,
happy reading,
love Raven xxx
NB all illustrations courtesy of Pinterest
the sound of me tearing my hair out as I reread my two Christmas stories, and find stupid typos and contradictions.
Hopefully normal service will be resumed next week.
Why do I think that?
Because by then they will have been checked, corrected as best I can, and sent to my editor to groan over.
Until then, very sorry, all I can think of is brids not birds vice not voice and a very rude word instead of cant.
Let's hope your reading is more understandable,
love, Raven xxx
Okay, that's a bit of an ambiguous title, I admit it. But it's how I feel this week.
(source: pinterest)
Or, I should say, how I felt.
I'd only got 5k left to write on my WIP. 3 now but I have worked out the ending so that's for the next couple of days.
Then I realised I was doing the dreaded what next, urgh...stuff.
Which on reflection was a bit daft. (okay, a lot daft) I had a book to finish.
But I still had a niggle of 'when what?'
Trying to get a clear head and buck up, I decided to tidy up my iPad and delete stuff that was no longer needed. So filled with zeal I opened pages.
I discovered over 30k of a medical I'd started, subbed and had it rejected so fast, I doubt they'd looked further than my name and said 'nah', she doesn't write medical stories.
Which was true in the fact that I hadn't before but...
Anyway, I started to read it.Half an hour later, I remembered what I was supposed to be doing, so put it to one side.
But you know? I'm going to finish it after this Christmas story is done and dusted. Even if it doesn't get subbed, I will have the satisfaction of writing 'the end'.
Plus, as I prepared the paperback for New Beginnings of Bryony Bennett (out 10th October, New PB cover, will show it as soon as I can) I got the idea for another story set in the same area, featuring one of the minor character who was in a couple of the books set there.
Maybe I need to call them a series?
Watch this space
Happy Reading,
love Raven xxx
To say nothing of de-ly, de-and, de-so, and of course,the dreaded de-ing.
It's that time again.
By being ruthless and taking out all those useful while you're writing your first draft words, but totally unnecessary in the finished book.
Those darn words ending in 'ing' or 'ly'. Plus, those other words we use, often without thinking. Such as, and, so, and when.
When I do my read though I'll probably find a lot more.
Some are necessary. Needed to make the sentence flow. Those I keep.
However, others are not. I know it, the reader knows it, and they can be a big turn off.
Therefore I'm turning them off before they turn any readers off.
Procrastination central.
...and managed (I think) to do a few things I've either not achieved since my knee op or been too scared to try.
Yes, I am a wuss. But I'd decided to make sure I felt confident before I tried something and failed.
That might sound negative but it isn't.
I was also conscious that I needed to be certain I wouldn't make things—i.e. the recovery of my knee any worse.
I felt I needed to think about the pros and cons—but not too much or I'd never do anything.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting I should do the hokey cokey or any similar thing. Try to do the in-out bit or the knees bend. Although bending my knees is on my lists of exercises and I do them—albeit not with the hokey cokey actions. Maybe I should?
Nor do I intend to try to climb the stairs backward—that was definitely not on my to try list.
What was were things I'd have taken for granted pre dodgy knee, and found harder to do once the darned thing gave me gip. (Standing on one leg, walking in a straight line one foot almost touching the other etc, etc.)
The hospital gave me a great list of exercises, and I can now do them all. Some a lot easier than others. It also advised about when to try things, and gave reasons why.
Therefore this week I have been trying the three month stuff and with great pleasure can say unless I know I'll be walking a lot, or uphill I don't need my crutch or a stick any more. It does come handy for the up and downhill stuff though and i'm not too proud to think, 'ah, better take one today'.
I can walk downstairs one step after another. I honestly didn't think how difficult that would be and how, the first time I followed with my dodgy leg not on the step I'd put my good leg on but the one below, how bleeping sore it would be. But now as long as it's not a giant step I can do that. It might not be a fast journey but I can do it.
I say so long as it's not a giant step because the other week we had a few days in a fisherman's cottage in Norfolk (UK) The stairs were so steep, it wasn't easy to go up and down one step at a time, let along one after another. I accepted defeat gracefully.
I don't need the painkillers very often, but accept if I do need them, to take them and not hum and hah until the pain is so bad I've lost an hour or two where I could have done something I wanted to do. I use my cool pack as often as recommended (ok maybe not quite that often now) and boy does it help the swelling, and take those ten minute to chill. (In more ways than one.)
And perhaps something that matters more in some ways—less in others—I've got back on a roll with writing. A slow roll, true, but the enthusiasm is back, I hope the ability is as well, and I've got a new ohh maybe a story about *** could work list.
I call this week a win win.
Long may it last.
Now, I do realise this post is a 'ohh it's all about me', post and feel free to ignore it, I won't mind. (Not too much anyway.) However, I really wanted to share a bit about where I was. Because it's amazing what the body is capable of. I'm celebrating and I wan't to share my happiness. Form a computer navigated op under an epidural to today. From the weird sense of not being able to move or feel sensation in my legs, but in my feet, as the epidural wore off, to getting out of bed unaided, getting on and off the loo, also unaided, to climbing the stairs and so on, my words of wisdom (?) are slowly but surely, you can do it. I did, and when I saw the list of what to do when, I was eh? Not a chance. But there was, there is and here we are.
Happy reading,
love, Raven xxx
Gone Fishing
Not actually gone fishing, but made a list of must do...
Finish WIP
Dust because the great-grandchildren of the dust bunnies are complaining there's no room for them.
Finish WIP
Finish emptying the box of who knows what that hasn't been opened since we moved Only 3 1/2 years not bad. Last time we moved I found box still sealed from when we moved 30 years before! Oops. (It was at the back of the upstairs storage in the garage though. I found my nutcrackers in it.)
Finish WIP
Check what's in the fridge—should sardines smell so strongly?
Finish WIP
There seems to be a bit of a theme here. Housework and writing.
Stroke my new cover for the book due out on 30th
Cuss and try to sort out how to get my Katy Lilley book errors fixed and get it up in paperback
Finish WIP.
So on that note, I'll reintroduce myself to the lovely long-suffering wine-bearing husband, and promise to be back on here soon.
Take care,
Happy Reading,
Love Raven xxx
Three things I've thought a lot about these past weeks.
Three reasons.
Not being as hungry as usual.
Not being as mobile as I usually am.
Not 'feeling' the story is on the right track.
I realise how lucky I am to know that for every reason I have a positive conclusion. Or a least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
At the moment, I can see all three things are, up to a point, intertwined.
Snacks...The snacks are important to the other two reasons.
I took a while to regain my appetite after my op. I like snacking while I write.
I couldn't have snacked without support from the lovely husband feeding me what I fancied.